How to test my internet speed?

How to test my internet speed?

If you cannot login to LIghtSail, click on the attached link to test your internet speed (click here).

If you are logged in, we recommend you click on the health check to test the speed.

What is the Health Check?

The health check is a very useful tool when using LightSail HTML. Instead of testing your internet speed locally, it checks your connections and speeds with our LightSail NY server. It will tell you the internet download speed and if you are successfully connecting to all ports required for HTML to work.

To run the health check do the following:

  1. Click on the stethoscope on the top right corner

  2. The Left (in red square) gives your download speed to the LightSail NY servers

  3. The Right (in purple square) shows your connections to the required HTML ports and URL’s

Still have questions? Please submit a support ticket here or call us at 1-866-876-7323. You can also chat with a support representative by clicking on the chat icon on the top right corner of the LightSail screen.


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