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Book Request Order Form
We are revising our book order process, it will be ready at the end of August. To order books in the meantime, please contact your LightSail PD Coach or click "Submit a Ticket" at the top of this page.
Offline Mode
LightSail allows students to read in Offline Mode when a Wi-Fi connection is unavailable. In order to access LightSail in offline mode, two conditions need to be met: First, you must already have a book checked out. While you are connected to Wi-Fi ...
How do teachers add one student?
As a teacher, you can add new students to your class. (If you are a Clever School, you cannot add students via LightSail). To add one student to your class do the following: Click on the Menu (3 green lines in the left corner) Click Rosters Click Add ...
As a teacher/admin, how do I reset a students password?
As a teacher you can reset your students passwords. Please do the following to reset a password: Open your Menu (3 green lines top right of your screen) Click Rosters If you are in more than one class, choose the correct grade and class Click Load ...
How to use Charles for iPad
This is a short guide on how to setup Charles for network capture on iPad. Network logging is an extremely useful way for our Developers to find out where an internet protocol fails when using LightSail. If you need any assistance in setting up ...